
十八斓 42万字 连载

文艺版文案 你可以认为以下是“大言不惭” “千程,和我在一起吧?” “原来我也有翻身做主人的时候,哥,我还以为你会一直都是我是少女总统快爱上我,快拜倒在我裤腿下的姿态呢……” “你的紧张让我觉得很有趣,我可以大发慈悲地向你保证,只要你不做错事,暂时你就是我唯一的男宠。” 这是一场女王与总统的世纪之战。 女王拥有无边的骄傲和气场,她说出的话可以让大言不惭变成理所当然。 总统是少女的总统,万人的总统


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209、Chapter 209 The End
208、Chapter 208 The XXX
207、Chapter 207 The XXX
206、Chapter 206 The Love
205、Chapter 205 The Solving
204、Chapter 204 The Speech
203、Chapter 203 The Speech
202、Chapter 202 The Speech
201、Chapter 201 The Anti
全部章节目录 [点击倒序↓]
1、Chapter 1 The Final Show
2、Chapter 2 The New Life
3、Chapter 3 The Friends
4、Chapter 4 The Stage
5、Chapter 5 The Family
6、Chapter 6 The XXX
7、Chapter 7 The Rec ing
8、Chapter 8 The Argue
9、Chapter 9 The Reggae
10、Chapter 10 The Goal
11、Chapter 11 The Fame
12、Chapter 12 The Unbreakable
13、Chapter 13 The New Year
14、Chapter 14 The Party
15、Chapter 15 The Pre Come Out
16、Chapter 16 The Come Out
17、Chapter 17 The Showcase
18、Chapter 18 The XXX
19、Chapter 19 The Preparation
20、Chapter 20 The MV
21、Chapter 21 The Album
22、Chapter 22 The Music Show
23、Chapter 23 The Music Show 2【
24、Chapter 24 The Gossip
25、Chapter 25 The 2NE1
26、Chapter 26 The Family
27、Chapter 27 The Family 2
28、Chapter 28 The cooperation
29、Chapter 29 The Cooperation 2
30、Chapter 30 The News
31、Chapter 31 The Clarification
32、Chapter 32 The Night
33、Chapter 33 The 2NE1TV
34、Chapter 34 The XXX
35、Chapter 35 The Excursion
36、Chapter 36 The Plagiarize
37、Chapter 37 The Plagiarize 2
38、Chapter 38 The Lunch
39、Chapter 39 The Rec ing
40、Chapter 40 The Tatoo
41、Chapter 41 The MAMA
42、Chapter 42 The MAMA2
43、Chapter 43 The MAMA3
44、Chapter 44 The Relationship
45、Chapter 45 The Birthday
46、Chapter 46 The XXX
47、Chapter 47 The Coming New Ye
48、Chapter 48 The 2010
49、Chapter 49 The Misunderstand
51、Chapter 51 The Featuring
52、Chapter 52 The Warning
53、Chapter 53 The MV
54、Chapter 54 The Count Down
55、Chapter 55 The Count Down 2
56、Chapter 56 The Showcase
57、Chapter 57 The Release
58、Chapter 58 The Release 2
59、Chapter 59 The Last One
60、Chapter 60 The Run Away
61、Chapter 61 The XXX
62、Chapter 62 The Relationship
63、Chapter 63 The Trip
64、Chapter 64 The Trip 2
65、Chapter 65 The Trip 3
66、Chapter 66 The Night
67、Chapter 67 The Friends
68、Chapter 68 The Kiss
69、Chapter 69 The XXX
70、Chapter 70 The Come Back
71、Chapter 71 The Hit
72、Chapter 72 The Featuring
73、Chapter 73 The Featuring 2
74、Chapter 74 The Schedule
75、Chapter 75 The Father
76、Chapter 76 The Chocolate
77、Chapter 77 The XXX
78、Chpater 78 The MC
79、Chapter 79 The Adventure
80、Chapter 80 The Gossip
81、Chapter 81 The Memory
82、Chapter 82 The Argue
83、Chapter 83 The Accident
84、Chapter 84 The Desition
85、Chapter 85 The Visiting
86、Chapter 86 The Solution
87、Chapter 87 The Negotiate
88、Chapter 88 The XXX
89、Chapter 89 The XXX
90、Chapter 90 The Macao
91、Chapter 91 The Macao 2
92、Chapter 92 The Macao 3
93、Chapter 93 The Award
94、Chapter 94 The MV
95、Chapter 95 The Music Show
96、Chapter 96 The 2011
97、Chapter 97 The Debate
98、Chapter 98 The Debate 2
99、Chapter 99 The Debate 3
100、Chapter 100 The ???
101、Chapter 101 The Stage
102、Chapter 102 The Show
103、Chapter 103 The Hesitate
104、Chapter 104 The Decision
105、Chapter 105 The Good Bye
106、Chapter 106 The Good Bye 2
107、Chapter 107 The Solitude
108、Chapter 108 The XXX
109、Chapter 109 The Dream
110、Chapter 110 The XXX
111、Chapter 111 The Running man
112、Chapter 112 The Running man
113、Chapter 113 The Date
114、Chapter 114 The May
115、Chapter 115 The May 2
116、Chapter 116 The Depress
117、Chapter 117 The Fame
118、Chapter 118 The Freezing
119、Chapter 119 The Fame
120、Chapter 120 The Career
121、Chapter 121 The Comfort
122、Chapter 122 The Family
123、Chapter 123 The Family
124、Chapter 124 The Fans
125、Chapter 125 The Holiday
126、Chapter 126 The Holiday 2
127、Chapter 127 The Holiday 3
128、Chapter 128 The Holiday 4
129、Chapter 129 The Clarificatio
130、Chapter 130 The XXX
131、Chapter 131 The XXX 2
132、Chapter 132 The Break Up
133、Chapter 133 The Break Up 2
134、Chapter 134 The XXX
135、Chapter 135 The Sad
136、Chapter 136 The Explode
137、Chapter 137 The Explosion
138、Chapter 138 The Explosion 2
139、Chapetr 139 The Lost
140、Chapter 140 The XXX
141、Chapter 141 The EMA
142、Chapter 142 The Come Back
143、Chapter 143 The Show
144、Chapter 144 The Friends
145、Chapter 145 The Healing Camp
146、Chapter 146 The Healing Camp
147、Chapter 147 The Healing Camp
148、Chapter 148 The Healing Camp
149、Chapter 149 The Talk
150、Chapter 150 The XXX
151、Chapter 151 The Show
152、Chapter 152 The XXX
153、Chapter 153 The Runningman
154、Chapter 154 The Runningman
155、Chapter 155 The Runningman
156、Chapter 156 The Runningman
157、Chapter 157 The Runningman
158、Chapter 158 The Runningman
159、Chapter 159 The Runningman
160、Chapter 160 The Runningman
161、Chapter 161 The Grammy
162、Chapter 162 The Grammy
163、Chapter 163 The Grammy
164、Chapter 164 The XXX
165、Chapter 165 The Kiss
166、Chapter 166 The Solution
167、Chapter 167 The Dinner
168、Chapter 168 The Fight
169、Chapter 169 The XXX
170、Chapter 170 The Pre CB
171、Chapter 171 The Jealous
172、Chapter 172 The Remours
173、Chapter 173 The EX
174、Chapter 174 The Show
175、Chapter 175 The Fantastic
176、Chapter 176 The Celebrate
177、Chapter 177 The Party
178、Chapter 178 The Date
179、Chapter 179 The Come Back
180、Chapter 180 Le Rouge
181、Chapter 181 The AD
182、Chapter 182 The Anti
183、Chapter 183 The XXX
184、Chapter 184 The Pre Concert
185、Chapter 185 The 番外
186、Chapter 186 The Concert
187、Chapter 187 The Concert
188、Chapter 188 The Concert
189、Chapter 189 The Concert
190、Chapter 190 The Concert
191、Chapter 191 The Concert
192、Chapter 192 The Healing
193、Chapter 193 The XXX
194、Chpater 194 The XXX
195、Chapter 195 The 公开
196、Chapter 196 The 公开
197、Chapter 197 The 公开
198、Chapter 198 The Holiday
200、Chapter 200 The Holiday
201、Chapter 201 The Anti
202、Chapter 202 The Speech
203、Chapter 203 The Speech
204、Chapter 204 The Speech
205、Chapter 205 The Solving
206、Chapter 206 The Love
207、Chapter 207 The XXX
208、Chapter 208 The XXX
209、Chapter 209 The End











